The VJ Day Vendor booth applications are available for Saturday August 13, 2022
The vendor booths will be located at the field between Hillman Dairy Queen and Hillman Car Wash.
Setup will be Saturday, August 13, starting at 7:30 am. Vendors must be ready to sell by 10:00 am. We ask Vendors not to start tearing down prior to 3:30 pm on Saturday. Vendors will be responsible for their own tables, chairs, canopy and other display needs. After set up, please remove your vehicle to an area outside the Vendor area.
Mail a check (made out to the Hillman Chamber of Commerce) and the application to: Hillman Chamber of Commerce, PO BOX 506, Hillman, MI 49746
For further information, contact: Sue Wedge at 989-742-3122 or the Robert Tronge at the Chamber office: 989-742-3739
All applications must be in by 08/08/2022 and only 15 spaces available.
12 x 10 Spaces are $15 per space. The Hillman Chamber of Commerce will not be liable for accident, damage, theft, or loss during said event. Refunds will no be given to any cancellation or no shows.