A big "Thank You" to those who help in the Adopt-A-Highway cleanup!

From left to right:
Mark Sorensen
Zac Loveless
Nancy Sorensen
Jean Manning
Les Wedge
Sue Wedge
Robert Tronge (not in photo)

Hillman Area Chamber of Commerce - Adopt-A-Highway - May 13, 2023
Looking for Volunteers!
Saturday --- May 13, 2023 --- 9 am
• Meet at Patchwood Plaza, 14797 State Street, Hillman. (If it rains we will meet on May 20th)
• Juice and doughnuts will be provided along with vests and gloves.
• We are hoping to get a large group so it will take less time.
• Please mark your calendars and we hope to see you then.
Les and Sue Wedge
Please call to let us know you are planning to attend or just show up the day of.