New Board Member Nominations
We are actively seeking nominations for new board members. Please drop off, email, or mail in your nomination of who you want to be as a new board member along with a narrative of why you have chosen that person.
September Business After Hours – Sept 12th
Thank you to Hilman Community Radio for hosting the September Business After Hours and A-1 Party Store for sponsoring the event with great pizza and snacks. We had about 14 people show up and tours of the radio station were given.
Medilodge Fall Harvest
Medilodge of Hillman will host a “Fall Harvest” event on September 19th from 1-4 pm. There will be live music, cider, doughnuts, and all things FALL! All are welcome: Friends, families, community members.
Chamber Banquet Tickets
The annual chamber banquet will take place on October 17th at Patchwood Plaza.
5:30 p.m. – Horderves & Light Refreshments
6:00 p.m. – Dinner
MENU: Baked Chicken – Roast Beef – Cheesy Potatoes – Green Beans – House Salad – Dinner Roll – Desert
Tickets are $20.00 per person
Come and celebrate our
“Outstanding Business of the Year”
and “Outstanding Citizen of the Year!”
Please RSVP via phone, email, or mail as soon as you can so we can get an accurate head count.
The deadline for money to be received is Oct 9th.
Get your tickets before they run out! We are limited to 100 seats this year.
Door Prizes Needed
We are looking for door prizes to give away at our chamber banquet. If you have something that you would like to provide, please give us a call at 989-742-3739 or drop the item off at the Chamber office M-F 9 AM – 3:30 PM.