77th Annual
V-J Days
August 11-14, 2022
As we gaze into the skies over Hillman, we will pay tribute to those who served in the past, and fight today for the United States of America.
Join us on Saturday evening, when Hillman will keep the tradition of paying homage to our soldiers with a fine fireworks show. The popular display takes place each year at Emerick Park on the picturesque Thunder Bay River. Bring chairs or blankets as we join in dedicating the men and women who represent our country.
Thank you to our local businesses and community members for your donations to continue this wonderful tradition. We appreciate each and every one of you!
Parade August 13, 2022 at noon
A Community Event
VFW Post 2356 & The Hillman Area Chamber of Commerce
T-shirts - $15
Hats - $20
Pins - $5
For more information call Bob Hunt (989) 657-1162 or Jim Paczkowski SR (989)-742-3739 from 9 am to 3 pm
2022 V-J Days Schedule
Thursday, August 11
7:00 pm VJ Day Pageant - Patchwood
Plaza. Entrance fee: $3 for
age 4-11. $5 for age 12-Adult
Friday, August 12
10 am - 4 pm White Elephant & Bake Sale
- St. Augustine Church
10:00 - 4:30 Book Sale - Hillman Library
4 pm - 7 pm Fish Fry - Hillman VFW,
Chauncey’s Pub, Hi-Way Inn, VanPamel’s Diner and Thunder Bay Resort
6 pm – Hillman Christian Academy Open House. Live Band, refreshments, live auction, 50/50, raffles. 331 West 3rd St.
Saturday, August 13
8 am-10:30am Breakfast at the VFW Hall
Post 2356 for people in Parade.
9:30-11:30am Book Sale-Hillman Library
10 am-4 pm White Elephant & Bake Sale -
St. Augustine Church
10 am-4 pm Hometown Heroes Military Display & Gift Shop open -Brush Creek Mill
11 am-4 pm Sparky the Fire Prevention Dog inside the fire station
Craft vendors and booths
10 am – 4 pm Craft vendors and booths
between the DQ and car wash
11 am-3 pm Brats & Hotdogs, Refreshments, Bounce House, Sparky the Fire Prevention dog and tours – Hillman Fire Hall
Noon ** VFW Grand Parade **
Coast Guard Flyover at noon - National Anthem
After Parade Hot Dogs, Brats & Chips for Everyone (by donation) – VFW Hall Post 2356
After Parade Quilts of Valor presentation to our veterans – at Patchwood Plaza
1 pm-4 pm Patchwood Plaza
Cornhole Tournament at 1 PM
Hot dogs, Hamburgers, popcorn, pop,
kids sawdust scramble (2-2:45: ages 2 to 5, 2:45-close: ages 5-10)
Dunk Tank 1 to 4
12 pm-4 pm Free face painting by Crystal and Steve at Patchwood Plaza in front of chamber office
2:30 pm-5:30 pm Beachbillies Music at Patchwood Plaza by donation
4 pm-6:30 pm Car Cruse Night by the Wheels Car Club -Thunder Bay Resort
7 pm-9 pm Royston Rednecks – Bandshell – FREE concert
Dusk Enhanced Fireworks over the Thunder Bay River at Emerick Park
Sunday, August 14
8 am-3:30 pm Car Show and Swap Meet by the Wheels Car Club - Hillman Parking Lot (Behind the Hi-Way Bar). Trophies presented at 3:30
8 am Tiger Golf Scramble registration. 8:00 am registration. Shotgun Start at 9:00 am -Thunder Bay Resort $70 per person. Hillman Athletic Booster Fundraiser
VJ Day T-Shirts, Hats and Pins for sale at the chamber office. 14797 State Street South. (989) 742-3739
We want to thank everyone for coming out this year and hope to see you next year on our 78th.
Hillman Area Chamber of Commerce & VFW Post 2356