- 21 – Chamber Meeting
(9 am at Patchwood Plaza) - 18 – Chamber Meeting
(9 am at Patchwood Plaza)
Calendar of Events
If you are putting together an event for 2019, please contact the chamber office so that we can list it on our website.
Open Mic Night - Patchwood Plaza
WED – 6 to 8:30 p.m.
The Hillman Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the Open Mic Night at Patchwood Plaza on Wednesday nights from 6 to 8:30 pm. The band, Into The North / Chester’s Habit, will host this event. Admission is free. Musicians are asked to sign up by 5:45 p.m. Concessions are available and a tip bucket will be out for the band. There is a large dance floor for dancing. Come out and enjoy local talent in a family friendly environment.
Ride With Santa
We estimate a turnout of 139 people at the Ride with Santa event on December 14th.
We wish to thank our volunteers:
* Shyann Simpson
* Terry Marquardt
* Kristen South
* Stacey Gildner
* Sparky
* Chiefy
* Pat Paczkowski
* Sue Floer
* Abigail Tarshall (student)
* Emma Libby (student)
* Thomas Williams (student)
* Kyle Smith (student)
If we missed your name, sorry, but please know that your help was greatly appreciated.
We also want to thank Gordon Cordes and his crew for providing the rides with the horses.
Thanks to A-1 Party Store for donating the pop and water.
Thank you to Sparky and Chiefy for bringing in Santa.
Our coloring contest winners were judged by the Hillman Honor Society Students.
Age 6 & Under
1st - Ava Fletcher
2nd - Natalie Burnham
3rd - Giselle Edgar
Age 7 to 11
1st - Wyatt Sodin
2nd - Jane Carillo
3rd - Michaella Carillo
Congratulations to our new 2020 Members!
- 4 C's Wagons
- Hillman Horseshoe Club
- United States Postal Service
Platt books - $30 each
2018 Platt books are still available for purchase at the chamber office. They are $30 each.